Our long-term goals

Although most people seem to be looking away the whole planet is experiencing a growing crisis of global heating, chemical and plastic pollution, and species extinction.

We are now at ‘the edge of a precipice where the future of our species is at risk’. From: The Earth Transformed: An Untold History Peter Frankopan

Politics is descending into polarisation and war. Too many leaders act only out of selfishness and power-lust. Our basic belief-systems are twisted and anti-life. Today’s values were formed by the great religions so even where there is little religious belief patriarchal, competitive, and anti-nature ideas drive action, investment, and policy.

‘We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality. All we can do is to learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way.’ Aldous Huxley Island

‘Our attention to events prevents us from comprehending processes, beside which events are just the spume that rides the wave. Then I read Lévi-Strauss: continuity needs as much explanation as change, he wrote. He was right. We were asking the wrong question. Instead of wondering why things changed, we should really have been asking why they didn’t.’ Other People’s Countries: A Journey Into Memory Patrick McGuinness

We are a community seeking a post-patriarchal way of connecting people, practically and emotionally, and supportively. The narrow version of ‘family’ that society and culture in the West propagates is damaging and limiting and yet we are endlessly presented with the image of the couple plus kids as the real social atom, the only possible human arrangement…

We want to combine family warmth and solidarity with wider human networks of friendship, love, and collective effort. We need to spread better ways of thinking and living, to shift away from widely-held values.

We try to work out pro-sustainable values and behaviour and set an example in our own lives and our community practices: someone has to lead the way to close the circle of life broken by the patriarchal-industrial complex.